Naturally Battling Ticks on the Homefront

Ahhh, the summer air is upon us…which means ticks are already on their way to invading our yards. Walking leisurely through the deep woods shouldn’t be a gamble of whether you’ll contract Lyme Disease or another tick-borne illness when you emerge from the forest. Unfortunately, this can be the case for not just us but our pets as well.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Powassan encephalitis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis are a few diseases transmitted by ticks. While various illnesses can be contracted from ticks, the risk of developing an infection is based on a few factors, including the type of tick and duration it was attached.
Unfortunately, many people opt for a chemical toxicant to deter ticks, many of which are the topic of research to determine their environmental effects. While these substances are meant to kill mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and other parasites, they are also detrimental to human health. A growing number of people experience side effects from these toxic chemicals, such as nausea, vomiting, hypotension, encephalopathy, seizure, coma, bradycardia, brain cell death, behavioral changes, lethargy, and anaphylaxis, to name a few.
Thankfully, there are some alternative – safe – ways to rid yourself, your family, and your pets of ticks. Read on to discover ways to deter ticks using simple and safe products that won’t harm you but will ensure the ticks feast elsewhere.
Essential Oils
Some essential oils have been proven to kill ticks on contact. Companies such as Wondercide promote their products as safe and effective for tick prevention for humans and pets.
Cedar Chips
Most people now that moths do not gather where cedar is placed, as the smell is a deterrent. Ticks are similarly unattracted to cedar. Cedarcide offers a product touting cedar granules meant to be spread across the yard.
Mow the Grass
Trimming your lawn is important, as ticks prefer to climb and travel through long grass. Make sure all leaf litter or brush is cleaned up as well.
Tick Tubes
Many of us don’t think about how ticks get around besides using their legs, but mice are huge carriers of ticks. A safe way to kill ticks – not mice – is by using these tick tubes, which Harvard Researchers developed at the School of Public Health.
While many of these products are non-toxic, they require more upkeep and reapplication than traditional bug sprays. Keep the environment – and your health – in mind when using toxic pesticides.
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Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: